Saturday, August 7, 2010

Starbucks Moment

I like to see the preppy people in Starbuck's while I sip my hot chocolate.

I'm supposed to be at work but went downtown instead.

It rained all day yesterday but now the sky is cloudless. The air is nippy but I walked through the famed Savannah squares in short sleeves and liked the sunshine against my skin.

A gaunt man with a shaved head and a garish black eye patch drinks coffee and talks of politics with a friend. I know he is gay, but couldn't tell you why.
Knowing this makes me feel absurdly wise.

A homeless man dressed too warm in dirty clothes, flecks of things in his beard is huddled in a fetal position in a chair. He seems asleep although his eyes are wide open. He is unobtrusive, nearly invisible. I think that's why they let him stay here.

I read the New York Times: Bush's speech, King Kong, and football. I take a casual interest in all of these things.

I look up and see a beautiful girl with straight, long, dark hair and crystal skin standing in line. I try not to watch her too obviously, but am glad to be here to see her.

Christmas carols are playing but I don't feel their spirit yet.

I am content.

I feel better in this moment than I have in a long time.

Maybe it's because the hot chocolate is so good and I'm skipping work and know I won't get caught.

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